Our Philosophy

The Grand Alliance between the Black and Jewish communities is a testament to the power of solidarity in the face of adversity. Historically united by shared struggles for civil rights and justice, Blacks and Jews have demonstrated the profound impact of standing together. Rebuilding and strengthening this bond is critical, not only to address divisions but also to inspire collective action against racism and antisemitism as well as injustice in ALL communities. By coming together in unity, the Black and Jewish communities can amplify their voices and create a more equitable and inclusive future for all.

Why We do what we do

Why Our Mission is Important

our three Pillars Approach

Black and Jewish communities share the practice that most conversations, whether difficult or celebratory, take place around a family meal. Digging into our histories, so many of our foods have common origins too.

As so many of our Civil RIghts leaders and Holocaust survivors have already, sharing and recording their histories is essential to preserving the truth. When our elders tell their stories, our children and young adults become engage and carry on the chair reaction of storytelling.

In many cities and states, it has become impossible to teach the history of slavery and the Holocaust. We fight to get this important education back in schools and into the community.

Our Vision For Now and In the Future

Vision statement: Now

Challah and Soul is an organization that brings Black and Jewish communities together to unite through our commonalities, and to have brave conversations, meant to connect and educate. We believe in good food and honest dialogue without restraints, to facilitate meaningful relationships.

As our community grows, we would like to place resources into education and supporting the storytellers. Storytelling will be a form of educating new and existing generations and communities as a means of insurance against repetitive discrimination. Our call to action will include education of Kindergarten through college-aged children, working with educational institutions to refine their policies surrounding racism and antisemitism, legislation, and interfaith opportunities. Additionally, we will support minority-owned businesses, by compiling lists of minority-owned businesses for participants to actively engage with.

We also see Challah and Soul having a long-reach, nationally, as other communities across the United States hold their own Challah and Soul events, engaging in conversations around Black Heritage and Jewish Identity, that affect their unique locales.

As Challah and Soul becomes a household name, we will host larger regional events to discuss relevant topics and celebrate Black and Jewish chefs regionally. Food offers many shared traditions. Both communities come from a place of iron pots full of bones, scraps, food and faith. Food provides the neutral playing field to spark connection and engage. Deliciousness is created over and over again from difficult circumstances. We want to spotlight the healing powers of culinary magic.
Challah and Soul will venture out into educational communities and institutions to host town halls, designed to connect, and educate through shared experiences. We will develop age-appropriate book clubs and events as additional means of educating both communities about our aligned differences and similarities.
Attracting educators, chefs, and other personalities, we envision Challah and Soul as a national brand that will bring about community, education, healing and legislation.

Vision Statement: Into the Future

Vision statement





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Connecting Black and Jewish Communities through Food, Education and Storytelling